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This list is created by those who submitted their information to this page. You cannot expect 100% accuracy, but if there's many entries of the same drive chances are the majority is correct. If the drive you want to submit is already in the list, don't hasitate to submit since you are only confirming that the particular drive work/doesn't work. Recommended screen resolution: 1024x768 or higher.

2005-12-06: If you have a slimline PStwo and want to connect a hard drive but don't want the hard drive to lay unprotected ontop of the console, there's a new producted called HD Combo that helps exactly that. HD Combo is essentially a whole new bottom replacement case that let you slip in a hard drive with the IDE connector and power internally connected (external power adaptor) and protected from external abuse. It's also compatible with the modified HDLoader / HD Advance so you don't have to move the hard drive to the computer anymore and there's two fans keeping the HD cool. The installation is a bit tidious and currently only PStwo v12 and v13 is supported, not the new v14.

2006-05-28: It's been a while since the last news update. Whenever I see a bug or error I update the codebase, and in the last month I've fixed some submission errors, edit auth faults and recently made the sorting and filtering system the way it should be. There is still a problem with invalid submissions in the database and I encourage you to report them so I can remove the entries. Thanks to those who've submitted to the database.


Total entries: 3274 Fitting: 2780 (84%)
Not fitting: 493 (15%)
Working: 2606 (79%)
Not working: 604 (18%)
Most working brand: Maxtor
Most working drive serie: Hitachi
Most working drive: Maxtor 6Y120P0
Most popular working drive size: 80 GB
Most popular working drive speed: 7200 RPM
Most popular program: HDLoader
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Added Brand Model no. Size RPM Buffer Fitting Working Program PS2 Adaptor Posted by Comment #
1. 2013-07-28 Seagate ST3250310AS 250 GB 7200 8 MB No No N/A 10k-1 Eth&Mod WILSON this HD ... 0
2. 2007-10-15 Western Digital WD3200JB 320 GB 7200 8 MB No No N/A 10k-1 Eth&Mod razz it just ... 2
3. 2021-12-03 Barracuda ST2000DM001 2000 GB 7200 64 MB Yes No Opl hdl... Unk. Eth Aradiel Does not... 0
4. 2018-05-04 Barracuda ST3160023AS 160 GB 7200 N/A Yes Yes ALL Unk. Eth&Mod Z1PAS None 0
5. 2020-09-06 Barracuda ST3200820A 200 GB 7200 2. MB Yes No HDLoade... Unk. Eth&Mod LittlePony... Dose fit... 0
6. 2014-04-05 Barracuda ST340014A 40 GB 7200 16 MB Yes Yes HD load... Unk. Eth&Mod OUSSAMA Did a 'H... 0
7. 2019-07-05 Barracuda ST3750528AS 750 GB 7200 16 MB Yes Yes OpenPS2... Unk. Eth&Mod Carlos Omr... None 0
8. 2018-10-20 Barracuta ST2000DM006 200000 GB 7200 N/A No N/A Unk. Eth Chris Morg... wILL THI... 1
9. 2007-09-09 Buffalo HS 500 GB 7200 16 MB Yes Yes Swap Ma... Unk. Eth Holefire Using Sw... 4
10. 2018-10-10 Dekstar HDS728080PLAT20 82.3 GB 7200 2 MB Yes Yes Opl , h... Unk. Eth&Mod ThreD Hola. El... 0
11. 2006-05-13 Diamond (Maxtor Generic) 6Y060L0 60 GB 7200 2 MB No No N/A Unk. Eth Soul_Seeke... None 0
12. 2004-07-21 ExcelStor J680 80 GB 7200 2 MB Yes Yes HDLoade... Unk. Eth eRiC Take les... 1
13. 2006-02-22 ExcelStor J680 80 GB 7200 N/A Yes Yes g20fn30... Unk. Eth&Mod joe None 0
14. 2008-04-06 ExcelStor J880 80 GB 7200 N/A Yes Yes HD load... Unk. Eth&Mod Ghostface None 1
15. 2008-11-15 ExcelStor J9250 250 GB 7200 8 MB No HD Load... Unk. Eth Raistlin Formatte... 0
16. 2008-11-15 ExcelStor J9250 250 GB 7200 8 MB No Yes HDAdvan... Unk. Eth Raistlin Formatte... 0
17. 2022-06-18 Goodram ML11010500401 500 GB 7200 N/A Yes Yes OPL Unk. Eth RegularJoh... Works pe... 0
18. 2004-07-19 Hitachi 08K1880RTL 160 GB 7200 8 MB Yes Yes HD load... Unk. Eth&Mod Go giants The hd l... 2
19. 2006-01-21 Hitachi 26141 250 GB 7200 8 MB Yes Yes HDAdvan... Unk. Eth dave1976 purchase... 0
20. 2018-10-17 Hitachi 620-3084 400 GB 7200 N/A Yes No winhiip... Unk. Eth&Mod DudaDaher I get to... 0
21. 2019-02-23 Hitachi A7K2000 2000 GB 7200 32 MB Yes Yes Openloa... Unk. Eth&Mod Vangaurd None 0
22. 2018-06-30 Hitachi HCSV25025VLAT80 250 GB 7200 8 MB Yes Yes OPL Unk. Eth&Mod Benis Fits per... 0
23. 2020-12-02 Hitachi HDP725032GLA360 320 GB 7200 N/A Yes No WINHIIP... Unk. Eth - WINHIIP ... 0
24. 2008-01-04 Hitachi HDP725032GLAT80 320 GB 7200 8 MB Yes Yes HDL_0.8... Unk. Eth Mike This is ... 0
25. 2020-12-06 Hitachi HDS721050CLA362 500 GB 7200 16 MB Yes Yes winhiip... Unk. Eth SgtDicks None 0
26. 2022-06-27 Hitachi HDS721680PLA380 80 GB 7200 N/A No N/A Unk. Eth rj None 0
27. 2005-02-24 Hitachi HDS722512VLAT20 120 GB 7200 N/A Yes No HD Adva... Unk. Eth&Mod Charule Fit well... 0
28. 2014-05-17 Hitachi HDS722540VLAT20 41.1 GB 7200 N/A Yes No hd load... Unk. Eth&Mod alex12b None 0
29. 2005-02-16 Hitachi HDS728080 80 GB 7200 2 MB Yes Yes PS2 GAM... Unk. Eth&Mod HARDWARE... 0
30. 2005-05-08 Hitachi HDS728080PLAT20 80 GB 7200 2 MB Yes Yes HDAvanc... Unk. Eth&Mod Speedinblo... It is a ... 0
31. 2006-06-11 Hitachi HDS728080PLAT20 82.3 GB 7200 N/A Yes No desksta... Unk. Eth Neil explain ... 2
32. 2013-05-02 Hitachi HDS728080PLAT20 82.3 GB 7200 N/A Yes Yes Elf loa... Unk. Eth&Mod Chris None 4
33. 2022-06-29 Hitachi HDT271010SLA360 1000 GB 7200 N/A Yes Yes ALL Unk. Eth&Mod GILLIO Works wi... 0
34. 2023-09-05 Hitachi HDT721010SLA360 1000 GB 7200 N/A Yes Yes HDAdvan... Unk. Eth Clint SATA Gam... 0
35. 2007-01-12 Hitachi HDT722516DLAT80 160 GB 7200 8 MB Yes Yes HDloade... Unk. Eth&Mod jcawesome One the ... 0
36. 2007-01-29 Hitachi HDT722516DLAT80 160 GB 7200 8 MB Yes Yes HD Load... Unk. Eth Lrt06 Tested o... 2
37. 2021-02-15 Hitachi HDT725025VLA380 250 GB 7200 N/A Yes Yes WinZiip... Unk. Eth Erick Avil... It works... 0
38. 2007-02-10 Hitachi HDT725032VLAT80 320 GB 7200 8 MB Yes Yes HDLoade... Unk. Eth ronnygong Used Cab... 0
39. 2009-12-29 Hitachi HDT725032VLAT80 320 GB 7200 8 MB Yes Yes HD MEGA... Unk. Eth pmeloPT Fitted a... 0
40. 2007-11-10 Hitachi HDT725050VLAT80 500 GB 7200 N/A Yes Yes HDAdvan... Unk. Eth XStream None 0
41. 2020-09-06 Hitachi HDT725050VLAT80 500 GB 7200 N/A Yes Yes FHDB, O... Unk. Eth&Mod citrus Must jum... 0
42. 2006-03-25 Hitachi HTS721060G9AT00 60 GB 7200 N/A Yes No x Unk. Eth carin i need t... 0
43. 2021-06-14 Hitachi HTS722010K9SA00 100 GB 7200 N/A Yes No Free HD... Unk. Eth Draxebuu Tested w... 0
44. 2021-06-21 Hitachi HUA721050KLA330 500 GB 7200 N/A Yes Yes FreeHDb... Unk. Eth fotomihalo... Works wi... 0
45. 2019-06-15 Hitachi HUA722010CLA3309B376 1024 GB 7200 N/A Yes Yes OPNPS2L... Unk. Eth yellowcool... None 0
46. 2010-11-14 Hitachi IC35L040AVVA07-0 60 GB 7200 2 MB Yes Yes DMS for... Unk. Eth yogiadnan error op... 0
47. 2005-02-23 Hitachi IC35L040AVVN07-0 40 GB 7200 2 MB Yes Yes HD Adva... Unk. Eth&Mod braves None 0
48. 2004-07-17 Hitachi IC35L060AVV207-0 60 GB 7200 2 MB Yes Yes HD Load... Unk. Eth pablosux This shi... 3
49. 2008-12-14 Hitachi IC35L090AVV207-0 92 GB 7200 N/A Yes Yes ALL Unk. Eth&Mod abishur None 0
50. 2004-10-18 Hitachi IC35L120AVV207-0 123.5 GB 7200 8 MB Yes Yes HDLoade... Unk. Eth&Mod HerrmDogg None 0
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