This list is created by those who submitted their information to this
page. You cannot expect 100% accuracy, but if there's many entries of the same drive chances
are the majority is correct. If the drive you want to submit is already in the list, don't
hasitate to submit since you are only confirming that the particular drive work/doesn't work.
Recommended screen resolution: 1024x768 or higher.
2005-12-06: If you have a slimline PStwo and want to connect a hard drive but don't want the hard drive to
lay unprotected ontop of the console, there's a new producted called HD Combo that helps exactly that. HD Combo
is essentially a whole new bottom replacement case that let you slip in a hard drive with the IDE connector and
power internally connected (external power adaptor) and protected from external abuse. It's also compatible with
the modified HDLoader / HD Advance so you don't have to move the hard drive to the computer anymore and there's
two fans keeping the HD cool. The installation is a bit tidious and currently only PStwo v12 and v13 is supported,
not the new v14.
2006-05-28: It's been a while since the last news update. Whenever I see a bug or error I
update the codebase, and in the last month I've fixed some submission errors, edit auth faults and
recently made the sorting and filtering system the way it should be. There is still a problem with
invalid submissions in the database and I encourage you to report them so I can remove the entries.
Thanks to those who've submitted to the database.
Brand (Required)
Manufacturer of the drive, usually marked on top of the drive or on the package.
All the trademarks mentioned on this web site are properties of their respective owners.